Constructing the model out of white card and copper-coloured, textured card seemed the best way to convey the architecture as a blank canvas for graffiti art. Every reachable surface (the upper level of the residence pavilion being beyond reach) is paintable. The art borne by these surfaces will have a dynamic character, changing with each new performance and with the layered nature of the art form. White conveys the pure concept, where colour and miniaturized graffiti would have been distracting.
Park Elevation
King Street Elevation
Carpark Elevation
Section (Note the partition doors conceal the office and downstairs toilet. The stairs are partly visible.)
Site Perspective
Pavilion Perspective (Note the light cast in the interior by the large window, and that cast by the light well)
Pavilion Roof (Note performance amphitheater and rear natural amphitheater)